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Wir sind ein junges Start-up aus Hannover und bestehen aus einem interdisziplinären Team.


We combine competences from plant biotechnology, life sciences, marketing, engineering and economics with the common mission of a world without wasting resources.

Anker Vision


With eco:fibr we aim to contribute to a sustainable world and we want to actively conserve our world's limited resources

"For a world where plant residues are not wasted but
understood as a valuable resource" 

With eco:fibr, we want to unlock new value chains and extend existing ones. Our actions should be based on all three colums of sustainability. We do not see ourselves as a profit-maximising company and put our values first. We want to educate our community and as many people as possible about wasting resources, inspire them and be transparent about our actions. We are ope towards constructive feedback, regularly challenge our actions and grow with challenges. We treat everyone as equals and have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of discrimination. 




We from eco:fibr want to act against today's throwaway-culture by using an already existing, not other-wisely used residue as our raw source material. 

"turning waste                      into purpose"


Impact-orientated, responsible, agile,
transparent und equal



......act sustainably and respectfully towards ourselves and our environment."


...communicate the history of our products transparently." 



...recognise upcoming challenges and grow with them."


​...communicate directly and rely on flat hierarchies."


Wir sind ein junges Start Up aus Hannover. Die Ecofibr GmbH wurde von Michelle, Julian und Merit gegründet und wird oft durch PraktikantInnen unterstützt
Anker Werte
Anker Team



We are a young start:up from Hanover, Germany and an interdisciplinary team of students. The sustainable cellulose extraction process has been developed by ourselves in the laboratories of the Leibniz University Hanover. We use the specialization of each individual to act on the problem of disposal of the pineapple plant residues. We are united by an ecological mindset and the motivation to achieve something really meaningful. Together, we believe in an ecological future and want to be a part of this idea with our project!


We put in a lot of heart, diligence and motivation into eco:fibr in order to contribute with our success to a more sustainable world. ♡



Merit Ulmer


"Meine Superkraft ist

die Kunst andere begeistern

zu können."


Julian Kolbeck


"Meine Superkraft ist es auch

in schwierigen Situationen ruhig und strukturiert



Michelle Spitzer


"Meine Superkraft ist es aus jeder Situation zu wachsen

und diese in etwas Positives zu verwandeln."

Merit (she/her)

Corporate Management & Technical Development  

Julian (he/him)


Supply Chain Engineering

Michelle (she/her)


Corporate Sustainability & Marketing


Niklas Tegtmeier


"Meine Superkraft ist mir gerne verschiedene Perspektiven anzuhören und die gemeinsame 

Entscheidungsfindung zu moderieren."

Niklas (he/him)

Technical Development 




"Wau Wau Wau"




We are mostly white, able-bodied, cis-gender, academic and therefore enjoy social advantages. Exclusion and group-related enmity are not marginal phenomena, but are present in all parts of society. We value the fact that every employee can develop individually and be their true self. There is zero tolerance for any form of discrimination. 

Wir sind ein junges Startup aus Hannover bestehend aus einem interdisziplinären Team
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